Earth Integrated Medicine, LLC
Naturopathic, Acupuncture & Herbal medicine with Dr. Crystal Urban


Frequently Asked Questions

What training does a Naturopathic Doctor have?  Naturopathic doctors attend a 4 year graduate level medical school during which they are trained to be primary care physicians as well as extensive education in natural modalities including clinical nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, physical medicine, mind-body medicine and lifestyle counseling.  Yearly continuing education is required to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in medicine.

What is the difference between a naturopathic doctor, a homeopath, nutritionist and herbalist? Naturopathic doctors are trained as primary care physicians, which is not true of homeopaths, nutritionist or herbalists. Naturopathic doctors are trained in the modalities of homeopathy, nutrition and herbal medicine, which are combined with other modalities used to tailor your treatment to your individual needs.  

Will my insurance cover my naturopathic appointments?  Naturopathic Doctors are covered by insurance only in the states which offer licensure.  The state of Wisconsin currently does not offer licensure for Naturopathic Doctors, so insurance companies do not offer coverage here.  Some insurance policies cover acupuncture, you are encouraged to check with your insurance carrier.  If you have insurance coverage for acupuncture, please notify us and we will be happy to provide you with an invoice that includes insurance codes. You will be responsible for payment at the time of serve and for submittal and reimbursement from your insurance company. 

What states currently offer licensure for Naturopathic Doctors?  Currently, 23 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have licensing or regulation laws for naturopathic doctors. In these states, naturopathic doctors are required to graduate from an accredited four-year residential naturopathic medical school and pass an extensive postdoctoral board examination (NPLEX) in order to receive a license. For information about the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination Board (NPLEX), the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE), and a list of licensed states, please go to the education page on the American Association of Naturopathic Medicine’s website at  Even though Wisconsin is not a licensed state, Dr. Urban has fulfilled all of these requirements.  

How can I get the most out of my visit?  When scheduling your appointment, please be specific about your needs and appointment type.  Prior to your appointment, please download and completely fill out the forms found on this website and bring them to your appointment.  Bring a list of your prescription medications and dosages.  Bring all of your supplements, vitamins, herbs, in their original containers.  Bring recent laboratory and radiology reports.  Please ask questions, make a list ahead of time if you would like.  It is important for you to understand what‘s going on in your body and what can be done about it.  

Does acupuncture hurt?  Acupuncture needles differ significantly in design when compared to the syringes used to draw blood or inject medications. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine (only slightly thicker than a single strand of human hair) and come to a tapered solid point .  Due to this needle fineness and the speed of insertion, patients usually experience no pain.  Acupuncture treatments are usually very relaxing, so much so, that the patients sometimes falls asleep during the treatment. 

Is acupuncture safe?  Yes.  Acupuncture is extremely safe when performed by a licensed professional.  All needles are sterilized, one time use, disposable and FDA approved.  The most common side effect of acupuncture is occasional local, minor bruising.